¡Del taller a la cocina de tu casa!
Zigor, como buen amante del deporte, tiene por costumbre invitar a deportista a su programa. Es por ello que estuvimos como invitados para explicar en qué consiste nuestro proyecto, los resultados del pasado y la importancia de los sponsor.
Si os lo habéis perdido, podéis ver el programa clickando en la imagen.
¡Gracias por todo el apoyo!
Some weeks ago, we’ve been invited to Txoriene cooking TV show.
Zigor, who is a cook and a professional hiking, made us to feel like some expert chefs!
Zigor, invites everyday to his show someone related to sports. That’s why we spend the afternoon with him. We could be able to explain what is our project about, all the goals that we reached this past year and why is the sponsoring so important.
In case you have missed it, here is the a photo with a link to the programm!
Thanks for supporting us!